Welcome to IBCS-BIP
We aim to decipher the molecular mechanisms of biological information processing in cells and cellular networks, and to bring this knowledge to proof-of-principle applications in information technology, biotechnology and medicine.

The Kreysing lab published a new method to perturb chromatin in living cells, all optically. They use strongly localized temperature gradients to induce intra-nuclear chromatin displacements of more than one μm while the nuclear area and lamina shape remain unaffected. This enables the revelation of local mechanics in vivo and informs on its role in nuclear organization.
Read the full story in Seelbinder et al. eLife 2024. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.76421
Link to the video

Gaëlle Hayot (Dickmeis lab) received an award for the “Best Short Talk in the Field of Toxicology” by the German Gesellschaft für Toxikologie for her work on “Systematic acquisition of toxicity data in non-sentient models across animal phylogeny: implications for read-across and estimation of toxicity in humans”, presented at the 9th German Pharm-Tox Summit in Munich. Congratulations!
Our collaborative work involving the screening centre and three IBCS-BIP groups (Dickmeis-, Rastegar-, Weiss-lab) received the Environmental Science: Nano best paper award 2022 (https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2023/en/d3en90021e)! Within the EU FP7 project NanoMILE, we joined forces with scientists from different disciplines to study the impact of specifically synthesized and well characterized nanomaterials on a variety of cell lines and zebrafish embryos. Ten years after the project was launched, we finally published our detailed analysis on the importance of surface properties of nanomaterials for detrimental effects on zebrafish development. Such highly interdisciplinary work across countries is indeed required to support the safe development of nanomaterials and truly inspiring, but also challenging, for all the researchers involved at different career stages ranging from bachelor students, PhD and post-doctoral students up to senior scientists.

As an outreach activity between IBCS-BIP and the European school of Karlsruhe (ESK), every year the institute hosts some excellent ESK students to develop their scientific projects for presentation in the European School Science Symposium (ESSS). The ESSS is a science competition held annually that involves all the European schools. This year we are happy to congratulate the European School of Karlsruhe and specifically the students Isaia Petrucci and Arman Perrier, winners of the “senior” category for the best science project for 2023 presented at the ESSS hosted in Varese (IT) (https://esss.wp.eursc.eu/esss-2023/winners-finalists/). We are proud that Isaia and Arman´s project was performed at IBCS-BIP under the supervision of groups directed by Dr. Vallone and Dr Peravali with the title “RedBull toxicity experiments”.
Isaia and Arman as winners of the ESSS 2023 in the senior category will go on to represent the European Schools at the European Union Contest for Young Scientists later in the year.

Gaëlle Hayot (Dickmeis lab) received the “best poster” award by the “Arbeitskreis 3R Praxis/Alternativmethoden der Gesellschaft für Toxikologie” for her work on “Phenotypic anchoring for OMICS-guided assessment of liver toxicity in zebrafish”, presented at the 8th German Pharm-Tox Summit in Ulm. Congratulations!
At the Annual Consortium Meeting of the European Project Precision Toxicology held in Barcelona in June 2022, Dr. Gaëlle Hayot (Dickmeis lab) and PhD Student Christina Cramer von Clausbruch (Weiss lab) won not only two nice coffee mugs but also the award for the best presentation showcasing their work on zebrafish and human cells as models to improve chemical safety. Congratulations!

“Multiomic atlas with functional stratification and developmental dynamics of zebrafish cis-regulatory elements “.
In a collaborative effort, an international consortium of researchers named DANIO-CODE (https://danio-code.zfin.org), including members of IBCS-BIP, generated, integrated and annotated large-scale zebrafish genomics data sets. These data are now provided as a fundamental functional genomics resource for the zebrafish community as well as for researchers interested in comparative functional studies. This work was recently published in Nature Genetics.

Podcast by Thomas Dickmeis on the zebrafish model: from ecotoxicology to biomedical research.
Link to Podcast
On Monday, 28.03.2022 at 18.30 (CEST), our zebrafish film „Magische Momente der Natur“ will be broadcast on Arte. Have fun watching it.
Many thanks for our fish teams for their initiative to make this happen.
KIT researchers Achim Dittler (MVM), Sonja Mülhopt (ITC) and Carsten Weiss (IBCS-BIP) discuss their latest findings concerning health effects of wood smoke as main constituent of air pollution on German TV (https://www.3sat.de/wissen/nano/210331-holzofen-nano-102.html).
A major research project to shape regulation and policy on chemical safety without the use of animal testing has been launched with the aid of €19.3M funding from the European Commission.
See PDF for more information
Interview about the project in Wiley Analytical Science (in German):

Lennart Hilbert has contributed to a study that addresses how active and inactive genes are separated inside the cell nucleus. The according article ’Transcription organizes euchromatin via microphase separation' was recently published in the journal Nature Communications. Image copyright Hilbert et al. MPI-CBG, scale bar: 2 micrometer.
in the journal Nature Communications