We aim to decipher the molecular mechanisms of biological information processing in cells and cellular networks, and to bring this knowledge to proof-of-principle applications in information technology, biotechnology and medicine.

Photo: Brigida González

Research Program

Research ProgramOur mission is to understand how living systems store and process information, from the smallest molecular interactions to complex cellular networks. We study how cells detect, process, and respond to various inputs using cellular and animal models, particularly zebrafish and medaka, which are supported by our world-class animal facilities. By combining our technology development platform with expertise in genetics, biophysics, neurobiology and advanced imaging techniques, we aim to capture biological computation at multiple scales. Our goal is to apply this knowledge in the context of innovative applications, ranging from DNA-based computing to smart biotechnology. Through collaboration across disciplines, we bridge biological with artificial information processing, leading to bio-inspired technologies that benefit from the efficiency and adaptability of natural systems.

Strategic Partnerships

Logo 3DMM20 KIT
3DMM2O Excellence Cluster

Cluster of Excellence of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) & Heidelberg University

KCOP (Karlsruhe Center for Optics and Photonics)
precisiontox logo PrecisionTox
TOXBOX, Precisiontox
VirtMat Logo KIT-VirtMat
Virtual Materials Design (VirtMat)
IAI building 449 Dirk Altenkirch
Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI)
SynGen SynGen
Carl Zeiss Foundation Centre Synthetic Genomics (SynGen)