The crosstalk between glomerular endothelial cells and podocytes controls their responses to metabolic stimuli in diabetic nephropathy
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Ketogenic diet does not promote triple-negative and luminal mammary tumor growth and metastasis in experimental mice
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Development and Validation of a New BAG-1L–Specific Antibody to Quantify BAG-1L Protein Expression in Advanced Prostate Cancer
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Stimulated emission double depletion nanoscopy with background correction at the single-pixel level
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AI-based automated active learning for discovery of hidden dynamic processes: A use case in light microscopy
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Negative phototaxis in the photosymbiotic sea anemone Aiptasia as a potential strategy to protect symbionts from photodamage
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Alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) cells viability is dependent on C-rich telomeric RNAs
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TRIM25 targets p300 for degradation
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CD44: a driver of cellular plasticity in colorectal cancer. PhD dissertation
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Photobiology: Fish eggs go sunny side up
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Estrogenic regulation of claudin 5 and tight junction protein 1 gene expression in zebrafish: A role on blood-brain barrier?
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Synchronization of oscillatory growth prepares fungal hyphae for fusion
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Insulin signaling promotes neurogenesis in the brain of adult zebrafish
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Amphiphiles Formed from Synthetic DNA-Nanomotifs Mimic the Stepwise Dispersal of Transcriptional Clusters in the Cell Nucleus
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Systems toxicology of complex wood combustion aerosol reveals gaseous carbonyl compounds as critical constituents
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Fast-exchanging spirocyclic rhodamine probes for aptamer-based super-resolution RNA imaging
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Fat Grafts Show Higher Hypoxia, Angiogenesis, Adipocyte Proliferation, and Macrophage Infiltration than Flaps in a Pilot Mouse Study
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Robot-Assisted Full Automation Interface: Touch-Response On Zebrafish Larvae. PhD dissertation
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CFC – Carbon Fibre Cycle Carbonfasern im Kreislauf – Freisetzungsverhalten und Toxizität bei thermischer und mechanischer Behandlung
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Identification of an imidazopyridine-based compound as an oral selective estrogen receptor degrader for breast cancer therapy
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Therapy resistance and metastasis
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sox1a:eGFP transgenic line and single-cell transcriptomics reveal the origin of zebrafish intraspinal serotonergic neurons
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Increased Circulating Osteopontin Levels Promote Primary Tumour Growth, but Do Not Induce Metastasis in Melanoma
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Detection of Cellular Senescence Reveals the Existence of Senescent Tumor Cells within Invasive Breast Carcinomas and Related Metastases
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Nickel oxide nanoparticles induce developmental neurotoxicity in zebrafish by triggering both apoptosis and ferroptosis
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Two-beam phase correlation spectroscopy: a label-free holographic method to quantify particle flow in biofluids
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Telomeres Fuse During Cardiomyocyte Maturation
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A Yap-dependent mechanoregulatory program sustains cell migration for embryo axis assembly
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The Precision Toxicology initiative
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Key Role of Choline Head Groups in Large Unilamellar Phospholipid Vesicles for the Interaction with and Rupture by Silica Nanoparticles
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Acellular Human Placenta Small-Diameter Vessels as a Favorable Source of Super-Microsurgical Vascular Replacements: A Proof of Concept
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N-Glycosylation of LRP6 by B3GnT2 Promotes Wnt/β-Catenin Signalling
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Smuggling on the Nanoscale—Fusogenic Liposomes Enable Efficient RNA-Transfer with Negligible Immune Response In Vitro and In Vivo
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Quantitative and qualitative assessment of cytotoxicity by automated fluorescence microscopy in human hepatocytes
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Phenotypic anchoring for OMICS-guided assessment of liver toxicity in zebrafish
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Establishment of cell lines from individual zebrafish embryos
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CFC – Carbon Fibre Cycle Carbonfasern im Kreislauf – Freisetzungsverhalten und Toxizität bei thermischer und mechanischer Behandlung
Baumann, W.; Bäger, D.; Deußen, O.; Diabaté, S.; Ellermann, N.; Emmerich, R.; Friesen, A.; Fritsch-Decker, S.; Gehrmann, H. J.; Gries, T.; Große, A.; Guth, J.; Hartwig, A.; Hauser, M.; Hofmann, M.; Hufnagel, M.; Kehren, D.; Krug, H. F.; Kühnel, D.; Leis, J.; Mahl, J.; Marquardt, C.; Mattern, A.; Merz, D.; Möller, N.; Nau, K.; Naumann, R.; Plitzko, S.; Schlögel, K.; Stapf, D.; Steinbach, C.; Weiss, C.; Wexler, M.
Ferroptosis contributes to nickel-induced developmental neurotoxicity in zebrafish
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Comparing the Toxicological Responses of Pulmonary Air–Liquid Interface Models upon Exposure to Differentially Treated Carbon Fibers
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Noise facilitates entrainment of a population of uncoupled limit cycle oscillators
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Zebrafish: A Model Deciphering the Impact of Flavonoids on Neurodegenerative Disorders
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Distribution of microglia/immune cells in the brain of adult zebrafish in homeostatic and regenerative conditions: Focus on oxidative stress during brain repair
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CEMIP ( HYBID , KIAA1199 ): structure, function and expression in health and disease
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A DNA Segregation Module for Synthetic Cells
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